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How To Avoid Locksmith Scam

How To Avoid Locksmith Scam


The worst thing you could face during emergency situations is locksmith scams. Once you called the number for help and the next minute you see a fake locksmith arrive at your home and demanding for a ridiculous amount of money.

Although locksmith scams are quite common in the UK, there is always a reputable locksmith. Read below to find out how to avoid locksmith scams. 

How Do They Operate?

Usually, these locksmith scams come from Google maps listings as they have abused it to make money. These scammers pick “on-call” industries such as locksmith services as a target to direct traffic to their own deceptive websites instead of legitimate locksmith companies, which results in the locksmith company losing a customer.

The scammer will then approach the customers and charge a ridiculous call-out fee, which ultimately hurts the locksmith business. 

Red Flags to Beware Of

Here comes the good news: You might be able to identify locksmith scams! There are a few traits that you won’t be seeing in a professional locksmith or an emergency locksmith 

Numbers that are Toll-Free

Numbers that are toll-free usually indicate that the number is actually coming from other regions, which makes it very suspicious as the locksmith service is usually conducted locally.

This is usually a big red flag and you should be very cautious about approaching these locksmith services. 

Unidentified Company Name

When you see a locksmith with no company name backed up and instead using generic phrases such as “locksmith services”. A reliable locksmith will always have a legal name registered to it.

Since a locksmith has technically no “location”, they usually don’t have a physical location, but rather a service area. If they are registered under a location, double-check whether the local locksmiths are having the same address.

Many locksmiths have a website nowadays, and it is also a good tool to identify scam locksmiths. They usually have poorly made or weird-looking websites that look suspicious. 

Prices That Make No Sense

Many locksmith scams use low prices as a way to induce customers to call them, and some might seem too good to be true. Guess what? It most likely is!

These locksmith scams charge an unreasonable amount of call-out fee after you decided to engage them. Locksmith services have a lot of costs that need to be borne, which means there is a high fixed cost in the locksmith industry. 

What Should I Do to Prevent Being Scammed?

Before the locksmith arrives, remember to verify prices first. A professional locksmith will be able to give you an estimated quote or even the exact amount before they engage in the services. There might be some fluctuations depending on the situation but request a bill in detail to know what are you paying for exactly.