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Baby Crib Mattress DimensionsBaby Crib Mattress Dimensions


Baby crib mattress dimensions should be one of your main considerations when searching for an appropriate bed for your infant or young child. Make sure the mattress fits securely within its crib to reduce gaps that could pose a suffocation risk to your little one.

Additionally, firm mattresses can help decrease the risk of SIDS by pressing on their center and edges with your finger to measure their firmness. You can do this easily.


Crib mattresses should fit snugly within their respective crib frames; any gaps greater than a finger's width between it and the mattress could pose a danger. Achieve maximum safety when selecting a crib mattress size by keeping in mind these three criteria.

Foam mattresses are an economical and lightweight choice, making them popular with many shoppers. While less likely to wear out quickly than innerspring mattresses, foam ones may need replacing more frequently than their counterparts.

Some parents prefer hybrid mattresses that feature both a firm side for babies and a softer side for toddlers – commonly referred to as two-stage or dual-firm mattresses – from birth through toddlerhood. Though usually thicker than traditional mattresses, hybrid ones must meet CPSC suffocation prevention standards to meet FDA compliance.


Firm crib mattresses provide infants with a safe sleeping surface. Soft mattresses may increase the risk of suffocation during sleep and lead to sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), an unexpected death of an infant under one year of age.

Consider choosing a crib mattress with a firmness rating of 7-8 on the firmness scale; this will provide adequate support while still allowing some slight sinking for body alignment. In addition, look for one with ventilation vents to promote airflow; hybrid crib mattresses often feature one firm side designed for infants and one softer side designed for toddlers; you can easily test its firmness by pressing with your finger into it: an indent should appear that quickly fades.


When selecting a baby crib mattress, breathability should be of primary concern. Since babies tend to spit up and leak frequently, their mattresses must absorb these liquids effectively or they could remain on the surface and lead to microbial growth.

Witkin recommends choosing a crib mattress that is easy to maintain, features removable/machine washable covers, and is constructed from non-toxic materials. She cautions against secondhand mattresses which may contain bacteria that may pose risks to infant health.

Make sure that blankets, pillows, and stuffed toys do not enter your baby's crib – these objects can impede airflow, increasing their risk of SIDS. Instead, use a fitted sheet. Furthermore, maintain as cool an environment as possible in terms of temperature, smoke exposure, allergens, etc.


The durability of crib mattresses is vitally important to ensure their safe use. A soft sleeping surface may pose a suffocation risk to infants and increase the chance of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). When purchasing one, look for mattresses that don't leave an indentation when pressed by hand and don't change shape over time.

Foam and innerspring crib mattresses are among the most popular choices, and you should choose a six-inch thick foam mattress as it will provide greater support. In terms of durability, heavier versions tend to outlive lighter options.

If you want a mattress that will stand the test of time, consider investing in a two-sided or dual firm crib mattress with both infant and toddler sides – also known as hybrid crib mattresses with separate infant and toddler sides. They provide more longevity than regular mattresses and can easily be turned as your child ages.


Prices of crib mattresses depend on their features and can range anywhere from $250-$650 depending on which options are chosen. When considering your options, look for something with easy maintenance such as being stain- and odor-resistant as well as being suitable for frequent diaper changes and covered by a waterproof mattress protector.

As part of your checklist for crib safety, ensure the mattress fits tightly to prevent suffocation or entrapment. As per CSPC regulations, no gaps larger than two fingers' width should exist between the mattress and crib frames to protect infants from potential dangers such as suffocation or entrapment.

Foam crib mattresses tend to be less costly than innerspring models and come in various thicknesses. A quick way to test firmness is by pressing your hand into the center of the mattress and seeing if it identifies.